In the past few days we’ve learned that dozens of CIA personnel were on the ground in Benghazi and survived the attacks.
Now those survivors have been subjected to monthly polygraph tests.
In addition to that they are being hidden from congress and their names changed.
So when all this is put together doesn’t it seem like we have a real cover up going on and there’s nothing phony about it? The American Thinker has a nice piece that digs even deeper and raises questions most in the corrupt media don’t wanna ask.
American Thinker-CNS's Jake Tapper peekedover the transom of that dark room into which the MSM has swept the Benghazigate scandal, but that peek was just a small blessing for which we should just give small thanks.His report was not an investigation, and many questions remain, questions that I discussed here, here, and hereand questions that I shall recapitulate below in order to prompt readers on things to look for in subsequent reports on Benghazigate.By the end of September we knew that there were more than 30 people in Benghazi at the time of the attacks and that the facility and annex were involved in gun-running, so Tapper was not reporting anything new about the numbers of people in Benghazi and what they were up to, but rather confirming earlier reports.The real piece of significant new news in Tapper's report was that the CIA has been conducting an unprecedented number of polygraph examinations of agents and operatives with knowledge of the events in Benghazi, in what appears to be an attempt to intimidate and silence those agents and operatives.The most important unanswered questions that remain are:First, who were the intruders into the compound? Tapper's report and the endless commentaries on it do not even address the issue. Dr. Mark Christian from the Global Faith discusses the question herein a report to Gateway Pundit:Syrian president Bashar el Assad, Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah of Lebanon are fully responsible for the death of United States Ambassador Christopher Stevens. President Obama has known this fact since the minute he first learned about the attack.Read it all, for it presents a compelling argument for that clam.Second, why did they intrude? Dr. Christian also presents his answer to that question:Stevens covertly used Benghazi as his base of operation...[to overthrow] Assad in Syria. From his Benghazi compound Stevens stored and supplied weapons for thousands of hired, rebel fighters - many of which were al-Qaeda - headed to Syria.Third, what did the intruders do after they entered the compound? This has always been the most puzzling question for me because the intruders went first to an empty building and trashed and burned it and the vehicles parked there.They then slowly made their way to the main building of the compound that was occupied by Ambassador Chris Stephens, Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, and State Department Diplomatic Security agent David Ubben.After making a half-hearted attempt to enter the secure area, the intruders set the rest of the building afire. They could have used their RPGs to blast their way into the secure area by blowing down the gate separating the two areas of the building, but they didn't.
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I think the number one reason for the Benghazi cover up is to protect President Obama’s legacy and Hillary Clinton’s coronation as president.
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